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Psalm 54:4 - theme verse: “ Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” Sustainer = Samak means “to prop (literally or figuratively); to lean upon or take hold of.”

  • Week 1: He sustains me in the everyday mundane. 1 Thess 5:16-18

  • Week 2: He sustained me during suffering and trials. Psalm 34:18; James 4:8

  • Week 3: He sustains me in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

  • Week 4: He sustains me in times of need (mind, body and soul). Isaiah 40:30-31; Philippians 4:19; Ephesians 3:20

“We exclude the ordinary from the big picture but end up realizing much of our life is made of these very mundane moments. Why are we so dissatisfied with the ordinary? Why do we dread the mundane? Our culture has left us lustful for busy false-importance and longing for something other than what we have been given. Sure, we see our quiet times with God as eternally important and extraordinary. But what if we carried that significance with us into the rest of our day? What if we woke up in these seemingly mundane, repetitive tasks to see the beauty all around us?” Rachel Denison

“Throughout the day (and night), our Sustainer provides for us–in shelter and food, in our work and in our play, and in our relationships with one another. Day in and day out, God is present–continuously providing, sustaining, and re-creating. The extraordinary God is found in the ordinary moments of the day.” - Liz Moss

“It might be mundane to fold laundry. But it’s extraordinary to do it patiently with joy and a heart of love. It might be mundane to sit on the couch and read another book to a whiny four-year-old, but it’s extraordinary to show kindness and mercy to an undeserving sinner. It might be mundane to fill the fridge with groceries, but it’s extraordinary to praise God for his provision. Our everyday moments might be ordinary. But when we accomplish them while displaying the fruit of the Spirit, they reflect our extraordinary Savior.” –Emily Jensen, Risen Motherhood

There are some of us who are sorta stuck here in the middle of the story, God, and we don't know what the next chapter holds.

We've got no idea how our hearts are about to get broken or when, what the doctor could end up saying tomorrow, how the kids will turn out, or what's on the next page or the one after that.

And when you're stuck in the middle of the story? Well, honestly, it's easy to feel at the end of your rope.

And You pull us close, real close: "I’d never forget you—never.

Look, I’ve written your names on the backs of my hands." Isa 49:16(MSG)

You've etched the very letters of our name, of who we are, right into You.

You haven't forgotten us or this chapter or this story, and if You haven't forgotten us, we're not about to go forgetting that Your stories always work out in the end -- and if things aren't working out quite yet, it just means we're not quite yet to the end. We'll literally practice our faith -- we'll practice saying thanks in the middle.

Faith thanks God in the middle of the mess,

Faith thanks God in the middle of the night,

Faith thanks God in the middle of the story --

Because it believes in the relentless goodness of Him who will won't stop writing till there's good at the end of this story.

~Ann Voskamp


  • Weekly Photo Challenge:

* Questions to ask for the social media photo challenge: How are you aware of God’s sustaining care for you in your normal, everyday life? Are you watching for God at work? How do you give glory and honor to the Creator throughout your day and in your night?

  • Week: 1 - Home

  • Week: 2 - Work/School

  • Week: 3 - Community

  • Week: 4 - Nature

  • March 1 at 12pm Facebook LIVE “You In the Ordinary”

  • March 9 at 12pm LIVE Yoga with Tanya

  • March 16 at 9am LIVE Cardio and Strength with Kiersten




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