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Why I train (from team meeting):

  • Time with God, combat depression, good feelings, caring for my body.

  • Physically because it is fun and it makes me feel better. I am not as nice when I don’t workout. Mentally because it helps me focus on God. Spiritually because I want my character to be like Jesus I have to learn from him. Quiet time helps me see

  • I am failing and ask God to help me be more like Him.

  • Soul care - whole body care- taking care of my mind, body and spirit.

  • To feel strong, fight depression , quiet time with God (praying while I am walking)

  • To stay grounded physically and mentally in reality and truth.

  • Honoring Him with my whole body.

  • To strengthen the body He's given me to do what He’s calling me to do.


  • 1 Peter 2:9 for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests,[b] a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

  • 1 Peter 4:7-10-11

  • 10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 11 Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.

  • Mark 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.

  • Hebrews 3:1 Fix your thoughts on Jesus

  • Hebrews 12:1-2 throw off what hinders us

  • Ephesians 6:11 put on the whole armor of God


This is why I train… I used to train to prove a point and want others to look at me. “Look how strong I am.” “Look how much weight I lost.” I used to train to be a certain size believing this would make me feel accepted and loved by others. God has changed my belief when it comes to training. Psalm 139 says “ I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Zeph. 3:16 says “He delights in me and rejoices over me.” 1 Peter 2:9 says, “for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” I am created, chosen, and called on purpose for a purpose. My goal in life is not to have 6 pack abs or fit into a certain size of pants. My goal is to take care of the body He has given me because:

  1. It’s His body not mine. I am not to abuse it, neglect it, rate it, hate it, mistreat it, or worship it.

  2. He put a specific calling on my life (and you too!) and I want to do this well for His glory and not mine.

My body may not look like it used to and that is okay! I am training for His Kingdom and not mine. I can now say I am thankful for this body because it gets to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around me.


---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is why I train…… My family is a bunch of bookworms. We read nonstop and visit the library weekly. I train because my children believe hauling home a bag of books which weighs over 50 pounds is normal. Until recently, I was the only one who was able to carry them out the door. Luckily, I now have a strong man-child that can do the heavy lifting. Training my body and building muscle allows me to carry the heavy loads. Training my spirit and depending on God helps me realize I don't have to carry the heavy loads alone. This month we would love to know the reasons why YOU train. We have a form ready for you to make it easy to share your story. Fill out the form, send in a photo and we will share it in our stories. Your story matters and we can't wait to see where God uses your training in your life. Here are some examples of why we train: - caring for an elderly parent - holding a child - carrying library books, groceries, laundry - health concerns - spiritual warfare - walking up stairs, climbing on the playground with your kids, etc. - think functional and flexible movements Kim R. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (From Revelation Wellness) I train because I am… A leader, called and equipped to bring the Gospel message to the world around me, everyday. Matthew 28:18-20 I live as a worshiper, no other Gods before Him. God first and God only. Deut. 5:6-10, Matthew 22:37 I am a child of God. My identity is anchored in this truth and I live, love, and lead from this reality. John 1:12, 1 John 3:1, Romans 8:14-17 I am a lover of people. I believe the best, be unoffendable and look for the gold in people. Matthew 22:39, John 13:34-35 I am a servant, first to my Father, then to those around me. I delight in serving freely, knowing that I am a child of God. 1 Sam. 12:24, John 12:26, Matthew 23:11-12, 1 Peter 4:10-11 Because I am confident in my God and my own identity, I will take risks - I will love others, dream big, and think the unthinkable. I will brave myself. Joshua 1, Deut 31:6, 1 Corinthian 15:58, Eph. 6:10 I am a relentless freedom fighter. I Will not give up, I will live free and fight for the freedom of others. 2 Cor 10:3-5, Eph. 6, Gal. 6:10-17 Because joy is my inheritance, I will facilitate joy where I go. Neh. 8:10, Psalm 16:5-6, 11 Because I am a child of God, Because he has called me to lead and serve others, I will speak life. I am His mouthpiece and I will create life with my words wherever I go. Prov. 18:21, Eph 4:29 I will never stop growing, learning, and hungering for Christ and more of Him Phil 3:12-14, Psalm 63:1 Matt 5:6 My life is from Him, by Him, and for Him. I will live for His glory and Honor. Acts 20:24, Isaiah 43:7, Is. 49:3 Gal. 2:20 Misc:

  • God doesn’t want your perfection, He wants your obedience.

  • You are chosen and equipped by God for a high and holy calling.

  • My body was created to worship not be worshiped.

  • My body houses the Holy Spirit. I walk into a room bringing Jesus.

  • This is not my body, it’s His body and I want to honor it.

  • Because I am a follower of Jesus, I can take risks, dream big and embrace my weird.

  • It is no longer my ‘have to’ but my ‘get to.’ I get to take care of this body, I get to eat good foods that fuel me, I get to sit and be in His presence, I get to think on things that are True, so I can love and serve those in my life.

  • For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

  • Whole Fitness TV Contest

Who is up for a workout contest this month? You could win a Zyia gift card and Whole Fitness water bottle!

If so, here is what you need to do:

1. Sign up for our Whole Fitness TV (only $15) and receive access to over 100 workout videos. To sign up, go to

2. Print off our follow along calendar to mark off the workout completed or choose a workout of your choice.

3. Ways you can be entered into the contest: send us pictures of you checking off your workout calendar, sweaty selfies, workout video and equipment, etc. and tag us and share on your social media. Have fun with it! You can send us as many pictures as you want.

Winner will be announced May 1!




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